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Please join the Weekend Amblers as we explore the North Campus Open Space in Goleta. This flat amble will be around three miles in length. We’ll travel through and around recently restored wetlands around Devereux Creek. This estuary supports a diversity of plants, birds, fish, and wildlife.
There’s no need to register; just show up. Dogs are allowed on a leash, though some amblers might choose a brief, optional side-trip along a nature trail where no dogs are allowed. Bring water and sunblock. You may also want to bring binoculars to see the birds.
Afterwards we plan to enjoy coffee and treats at a coffee shop in Goleta.
In the very unlikely event that a downpour is expected, we'll send an email to the people on this mailing list the night prior.
Directions: We will meet at the Carlton-Duncan Visitor Plaza, 6969 Whittier Drive, in Goleta. The parking lot is a half block west of Storke Road. Look for the Newcomers sign.
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