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When: SUNDAY, MARCH 16 at 10:00 am. No need to register.
Where: Start at Arroyo Burro parking lot, 2981 Cliff Dr., Santa Barbara
Directions: We will meet at the parking area at Hendry's Beach (also known as Arroyo Burro County Park). You can find us at the far end of the auxiliary parking area (the parking spots furthest from the beach). Look for the NEWCOMERS Sign.
We meet up and set out on the sidewalk eastbound.
Cross the bridge that leads up and through the windswept woods of Douglas Preserve as we make our way to the bluffs above Arroyo Burro Beach. From the far point, we can follow along the bluff and, if we're lucky, see a hang-glider leap from the cliff into the breeze that rises from below. As we leave the Preserve, we take a short walk down a residential street (past the Beach Boys' former compound and recording studio) over to the Mesa Lane steps. The loop is 2 miles plus a little. The 200-foot rise at the beginning of the walk is a wide path that traverses an incline, fun to do at a relaxed pace. Dogs are welcome. Bring your dog to this!
No need to register. Just show up. After the walk, you can join us for coffee, tea, and treats at Lighthouse Coffee, 1819 Cliff Drive.
Like all Weekend Amblers events, this amble is open to Newcomers, prospective Newcomers, and friends that you bring.
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