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  • Happy Hikers - Baron Ranch Hike

Happy Hikers - Baron Ranch Hike

  • June 07, 2024
  • 8:30 AM
  • Baron Ranch - Gaviota

Sorry - No dogs are allowed at Baron Ranch

This is an 8:30am meetup – no need to register.


BARON RANCH HIKE – Friday, June 7th at 8:30am .  Baron Ranch (pronounced BEAR-OWN) is an old ranch located in Arroyo Quemado, so named due to the burning of a Chumash village in the canyon by a rival Chumash band in the 1770’s.  A cattle ranch for many years, County of Santa Barbara now owns the property which is open daily (it previously was a weekend-only hike)

Baron Ranch offers a different kind of front country hiking than the front range above Santa Barbara, and receives a lot less foot traffic.  Using old ranch roads and trails, we will pass by an apiary (bee yard), old citrus and avocado orchards, and a number of other features as we gradually climb in elevation towards the native habitats of the area.  This hike is less about spectacular views (although one can see the ocean from the high points) and more about experiencing the Gaviota back country. 

We hike into the ranch along the entrance road.  Much of the first mile or so is a very gradual, open climb, leading eventually to a steeper upper loop.  While the first part of the hike is exposed, we come to more forested areas as we move deeper into the ranch.  Hiking Distance: 6+ miles round trip; Elevation gain: 1100 feet; Hiking Time: 2.5-3 hours (go at your pace and turn around anytime); Difficulty: Moderate.

Sorry - No Dogs are allowed on this hike

Directions:  Take 101 west from Santa Barbara, past El Capitan State Beach.  When you reach the Refugio State Beach exit, travel another 2.2 miles on 101 to an unmarked exit on the right.  There is no off-ramp, so the turn comes up quick.  As you exit the freeway, make an immediate left onto the frontage road (Calle Real).  Proceed 0.8 miles to Baron Ranch gate (in the photo) and park just outside the gate.  Set your GPS to Baron Ranch Trailhead if you prefer.  Travel time is approximately 20-25 minutes from Santa Barbara, so please allow sufficient time to arrive at the trail by 8:30am. 

Hope to see you there!

Here is a link to a great article about the trail and the ranch:

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