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Social Hiking At a Relaxed Pace (S.H.A.R.P.)
Saturday April 25, 2020
9:00 AM
San Marcos Foothills Preserve
The San Marcos Foothills Preserve is a County of Santa Barbara open space located in the foothills between Santa Barbara and Goleta. Encompassing 200 acres (plus a 10 acres park) the Preserve offers extraordinary views of the Santa Ynez Mountains, Pacific Ocean, and the Channel Islands.
The Preserve is the feeding ground for hawks, kestrels, kites, roadrunners, coyotes, bobcats, and hundreds of other animal species. It offers nesting locations for dozens of native bird species, and it provides connecting corridors for wildlife to Los Padres National Forest and Goleta Slough.
This hike, like Parma Park, is in the foothills. It is a little more challenging than other SHARP walks, with a couple of steep hills to walk up (and down). However, admiring the views will give us a chance to go slowly, take breaks, and catch our breath.
Downpour cancels, but we'll continue in light rain. Bring hats, sunscreen and water. On-leash dogs are welcome. There are no restrooms. After the hike, we will meet nearby to socialize.
How to Get There:
San Marcos Foothills Preserve is located just east of Highway 154 (although you access it from west of 154) and north of Foothill Road. We will meet at the main public access at the western portion of the Preserve at the end of Via Gaitero Road.
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