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The Giving Back Committee Invites you to:
Tour, Talk and Enjoy an Evening at the new
Ridley-Tree Cancer Center
June, 5, 2018 5:30 - 7 pm
Wine and light appetizers will be served
Please join us for an informative night and a guided tour of the new state-of-the-art medical facility designed by architect Brian Cearnal and named after its most ardent supporter and benefactor Lady Leslie Ridley-Tree. We will begin at the Education Center with a talk by Dr. Fred Gass, the Head Medical Oncologist. Then we'll tour the remarkable facilities and learn about the Elly Nadel Music Therapy Program. A reception will follow in the atrium filled with light and an impressive art collection. There are many opportunities to volunteer at the Center, and those who are interested will have a chance to talk with the folks who work there.
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