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  • Walking the Waterfront

Walking the Waterfront

  • September 07, 2015
  • 8:05 AM - 9:00 AM
  • East Beach Grill, 1118, E. Cabrillo Blvd.


Please join our group of 30 to 50 East Beach Walkers, consisting of Newcomers, Graduates, and longtime Santa Barbara residents, as we walk along the waterfront.

There is no need to register, just join us in the parking lot on the west side of East Beach Grill, 1118, E. Cabrillo Blvd., to walk along the bike path from the grill to Sterns Wharf and back again, on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. 

walkingWe start walking promptly at 8:05 am, and walk at our own pace, while visiting with fellow walkers. It is about 3 miles to the pier and back, or 3 1/2 if you walk to the end of the pier, and takes 45 minutes to an hour, depending upon your pace. 

Many stay after the walk to enjoy conversation at East Beach Grill upon our return. Coffee and food are available for purchase from the Grill. It is requested that those who stay and sit at a table, even if you do not order food or beverage, leave a tip of least a dollar. 

Parking is free until 10 am, except on holidays.

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