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Dining In

  • April 04, 2015
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • to be advised about a week before
  • 21


  • 6-9 pm

Registration is closed
The next Dining In event will be Saturday evening, April 4, 6-9 pm.  

The theme will be Italian Cuisine. Dining In is always very popular and usually fills up fast.

Here's how it works. You may Host or you may be a Guest.  

Hosts offer their home for 6-8 or more people.  (As the Host, and if you're single, you may include a Guest who is not necessarily a Newcomer member). Usually, there are about 6-8 Guests. As the Host home, you're not expected to provide food. You are asked to provide water, however. Guests bring all food & beverages.

Each Guest is asked to bring their own beverage and a food item that will be specified about a week before.

Registration is free. Most Newcomers report very positive input about Dining In events. It's a fun, relaxed way to meet other Newcomers in private homes, in small groups.

If you'd like to Host, please email Geoff, Chair, Dining In Committee - If you'd like to be a Guest, please register. Any questions? Please email.  

We look forward to seeing you at this popular Newcomer event.

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